Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Contoh Dari Berbagai Macam Tense

A.            Tenses

1.      Simple Present Tense
Example : We Play a game (Subject + V1)
2.      Present Progressive Tense
Example : The Planes are arriving in an hour (S + Am/Is/Are + V-ing)
3.      Present Future Tense
Example : Mr Rhyan will check your work (S + Will/Shall + V1 + Object)
4.      Present Perfect Tense
Example : I have lived in Depok for two years (Subject + have/has + V3)
5.      Past Tense
Example : They left me alone in the jungle yesterday (Subject + V2)
6.      Past Future Tense
Example : She was going to visit her grandfather (Subject + was/were + going to)
7.      Past Perfect Tense
Example : My parents had already eaten (Subject + had + V3)
8.      Past Progressive Tense
Example : Kevin was sleeping at this time last night (Subject + was/were + V-ing)

B.            Active – Passive

1.      Present Tense
Active           : My mother cleans the kitchen once a week
Passive          : The kitchen is cleaned by mother once a week
2.      Past Tense
Active           : My father repaired the car, yesterday
Passive          : The car was repaired by my father
3.      Present Progressive Tense
Active           : She is not cutting the grass now
Passive          : The grass is not being cut by her now

4.      Present Perfect Tense
Active           : Many tourists have visited that beach
Passive          : That beach has been visited by many tourists

5.      Present Future Tense
Active           : I will listen to the music tonight
Passive          : The music will be listened to by me tonight

6.      Past Perfect Tense
Active           : Those mechanics had repaired many cars
Passive          : Many cars had been repaired by those mechanics

7.      Past Progressive Tense
Active           : The Police was asking the customer when the thief came to store
Passive          : The customer was being asked by Police when the thief came to store

8.      Past Future Tense
Active           : We thought Rizma was going to buy a new car
Passive          : We thought a new car was going to be bought by Rizma

C.    Comparison Degree

1.      Positive Degree
Example :
·         The task is not as difficult as you imagine. (adjective)
·         He drives as carefully as my father in the residential area. (adverb)
2.      Comparative Degree
Example :
·         Your heart is colder than ice. (adjective)
·         I ran faster than you did. (adverb)

3.      Superelative Degree
Example :
·         Your heart is the coldest of all. (adjective)
·         I run the fastest in my class. (adverb)

D.    Direct – Indirect Sentence

1.      Statement (Pernyataan)
Example :     
Direct             : He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
Indirect           : He said that they would go to Singapore the next day

2.      Imperative (Perintah)
Example :
Direct              : He told me, “wait for me !”
Indirect           : He told me to wait for him

3.      Question (Pernyataan)
Example :
Direct            : Anton asked me, “what’s happening to you ? You look so pale”
Indirect         : Anton asked me what was happening to me as I looked so pale

E.     If Clause

1.      Type I
Example :
·         If I get up too early, I feel tired all day.
·         If I read without my glasses on, I strain my eyes.

2.      Type II
Example :
·         If I lost my wallet, I’d report it at the police station.
·         If I studied more often, I might get better grades.

3.      Type III
Example :
·         If I’d had your phone number, I could’ve called you.

·         If I’d gone to the interview, I might have got the job.

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